Rings by Nik Sardamov
The hand is a stage.
Hands are so important. For grasping. For touching. For caressing. And as a means of expression. The way our fingers dance when we emphasize something gesturally. Or when we extend our hand to someone. Our hands are our choreographic companions and a theatrical stage of our taste.
The beauty is that we have ten fingers. And which one we choose to emphasize – well, that lies in our hand.

Rings, copper, fine gold, silver by Dittelmann + Jank

Rings, silver, rose quartz by Alexieva Zwetelina

Rings gold by Ulla + Martin Kaufmann

Rings, blackened steel, gold by Dorothea Brill

Rings, silver by Dimitar Deltchev

Ring, blackened steel, diamonds by Patrick Molotki

Ring, silver by Petra Dömling

Ring, silver, synthetic material by Monika Jakubec

Ring, gold, garnet by Batho Gündra

Ring by Claude Schmitz